請問妳何時、如何開始這個品牌?是什麼讓妳從 3D 列印組件切入?
When and how did you start the brand? What drives you to make 3D printed parts?
2018 年,在我有勇氣從室內設計師的職位離開以後,就開始了 Argot。傢俱設計對我來說是很自然的一件事,這延續到了物件上。當時是我的未婚夫提議我可以用 3D 列印的方式實現我的設計。
When and how did you start the brand? What drives you to make 3D printed parts?
2018 年,在我有勇氣從室內設計師的職位離開以後,就開始了 Argot。傢俱設計對我來說是很自然的一件事,這延續到了物件上。當時是我的未婚夫提議我可以用 3D 列印的方式實現我的設計。
I started Argot back in 2018 when I finally built up the courage to leave my job working for an architectural firm as an interior designer. Furniture design came naturally to me and then objects. It was my fiancé’s idea to start using a 3D printer to realise my designs.
Could you please show us your studio, and introduce how you use the space?
很難過地,封城期間我在巴黎的工作室是被清空的,因為要在封城期間到那裡工作很困難。第二次封城期間,我們都待在布列塔尼海邊一處屋子。我覺得 3D 列印最棒的一件事,就是它 (使用的機械) 可以搬動,所以你幾乎可以在任何地方設立起「工作室」。我很期待能早日回到我的工作室,並且被我最愛的書籍與物件圍繞。
My studio in Paris has sadly been empty during lockdown as it wasn’t practical for me to go there during lockdown. We spent most of the second lockdown in a house in Brittany at the sea. The best thing about 3D printing is it’s mobile so you can set up ‘studio’ almost anywhere. I am very excited to get back into my studio space, surrounded by my favourite books and objects.
Which corner of the studio relates the most to your own state?
絕對是我的書桌。擺上一杯咖啡、藝術書籍並與室內空間一起啟發我。 從這個位置,我能完整觀看整個工作室,並感覺我能從已經創作出、正在創作中的作品裡,發現不同的視野。
Definitely my desk, with a coffee and all my interiors and art books that inspire me, from here I’ve got a good view of the rest of the studio, and feel I can gain some perspective on those pieces I have already created, and those I am in the process of designing.
What specifically inspires you the most?
What specifically inspires you the most?
I think it would be architecture, or really through out custom interiors and their objects. Even though right now a lot of my time is spent designing furniture and objects, my background is in interiors and spatial design and I plan to make room for more projects of this kind.
We believe that rhymes are ornaments of dialogue, pleasure within daily life.
What’s your “Rhyme” moment?
The moment where I can begin to imagine the object in a space, on a shelf or a pedestal, blending in with all the other interior elements but still holding its own identity.