COME through Photography Book | Sin-Yu Huang

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192 pages
180 × 235 × 24 mm
ISBN 978-626-97519-0-7 (精裝)

當城市用盡力氣將我們捆縛於一處,黃昕語的腳步,總能帶著我們撬開各種可能。在社群帳號 @irisspace 上,她透過影像分享旅途擱下的一瞬感受,再以文字梳理旅途與生命共振的形狀。與攝影個展《COME through》的概念相承,同名作品集當中,收錄更多黃昕語的旅途筆記與未曾發布的攝影作品,透過書頁攤開移動的更多面向。

《COME through》黃昕語作品集,採用精緻布面裝幀,並將啟程時熹微天光般的心情以及城市印象,帶入頁面巧思。書中可見黃昕語規劃路徑的隨筆,以及她為每一個相遇擱下的文字心情,跟隨著她當下隨性、日後雋永的捕捉,我們能重新在她的旅途之中瞥見生命的繾綣與壯闊。購買本作品集,即贈送紀念海報與及精選作品明信片組。

About The Author & Photographer

攝影師 黃昕語 Sin-Yu Huang,1995年出生於台灣。求學時期曾旅居美國中部及比利時,並於高三那年開始獨自旅行,自此被靈魂之間的碰撞吸引,成為獨旅狂熱者。黃昕語視肉體移動為精神性的自由。她熱衷文化衝擊所帶來的震撼,更熱愛成見瓦解之後,新的思想從裂縫中迸生的畫面。純粹的創作動機,成為黃昕語最具標誌性的簽名。不預設旅行,不立場影像,黃昕語的攝影作品帶著觀者以澄澈的目光走逛世界,讓自己充分地沉入每一個當下,再以影像打撈片羽吉光。




RHYME SELECT 的大部份商品為手工製作,有些不完美之處實屬正常;古董商品每個皆狀況不一,請以官網敘述及照片為主,若需更多細節歡迎來信詢問。訂製品售出後一律不做退換貨,請考量後再下單。商品若在運送途中毀損,或有未檢查到之瑕疵,請於收到商品當日提供商品瑕疵照片作為依據,我們將更換同品項與您。

若必要聲請退換貨,請於收到商品七天內透過聯絡信箱: 與我們聯繫,並保持商品全新未使用、可販售之狀態,將所有包材一起完整寄回。商品及包裝不齊全或是因包裝不妥導致寄回有破損或損壞,恕不退換或退款。因瑕疵退換貨,運費將由 RHYME SELECT 負責;若為個人因素聲請換貨,請自行負擔寄回運費。

We pack every single parcel with care and love, and we make very sure that the products leave us intact. Therefore, we suggest not to return or refund products without damage.

Products from RHYME SELECT are mostly handmade, therefore some mark of imperfections might occur as normal state. If the damage occurs during transportation, please contact us as soon as you receive the parcel, and send us a photo with proof. Customised pieces are not allowed to return or refund.

During 7 days after receiving your order, you may write to us to request the refund of items, which you must return to us in unused condition accompanied by the original packaging. Shipping fee is non-refundable. Returns will only be accepted if labels and original packaging are fully intact and in a re-sellable condition. Online Store cannot accept returns where labels have been removed or products opened.

Refunds for returned merchandise will be made within two weeks of the return of the product, to the original purchaser’s credit card. Note that additional duties and/or taxes will not be refunded. All exchanges are subject to availability. Faulty items will be replaced by the same type of product.


192 pages
180 × 235 × 24 mm
ISBN 978-626-97519-0-7 (精裝)

當城市用盡力氣將我們捆縛於一處,黃昕語的腳步,總能帶著我們撬開各種可能。在社群帳號 @irisspace 上,她透過影像分享旅途擱下的一瞬感受,再以文字梳理旅途與生命共振的形狀。與攝影個展《COME through》的概念相承,同名作品集當中,收錄更多黃昕語的旅途筆記與未曾發布的攝影作品,透過書頁攤開移動的更多面向。

《COME through》黃昕語作品集,採用精緻布面裝幀,並將啟程時熹微天光般的心情以及城市印象,帶入頁面巧思。書中可見黃昕語規劃路徑的隨筆,以及她為每一個相遇擱下的文字心情,跟隨著她當下隨性、日後雋永的捕捉,我們能重新在她的旅途之中瞥見生命的繾綣與壯闊。購買本作品集,即贈送紀念海報與及精選作品明信片組。

About The Author & Photographer

攝影師 黃昕語 Sin-Yu Huang,1995年出生於台灣。求學時期曾旅居美國中部及比利時,並於高三那年開始獨自旅行,自此被靈魂之間的碰撞吸引,成為獨旅狂熱者。黃昕語視肉體移動為精神性的自由。她熱衷文化衝擊所帶來的震撼,更熱愛成見瓦解之後,新的思想從裂縫中迸生的畫面。純粹的創作動機,成為黃昕語最具標誌性的簽名。不預設旅行,不立場影像,黃昕語的攝影作品帶著觀者以澄澈的目光走逛世界,讓自己充分地沉入每一個當下,再以影像打撈片羽吉光。




RHYME SELECT 的大部份商品為手工製作,有些不完美之處實屬正常;古董商品每個皆狀況不一,請以官網敘述及照片為主,若需更多細節歡迎來信詢問。訂製品售出後一律不做退換貨,請考量後再下單。商品若在運送途中毀損,或有未檢查到之瑕疵,請於收到商品當日提供商品瑕疵照片作為依據,我們將更換同品項與您。

若必要聲請退換貨,請於收到商品七天內透過聯絡信箱: 與我們聯繫,並保持商品全新未使用、可販售之狀態,將所有包材一起完整寄回。商品及包裝不齊全或是因包裝不妥導致寄回有破損或損壞,恕不退換或退款。因瑕疵退換貨,運費將由 RHYME SELECT 負責;若為個人因素聲請換貨,請自行負擔寄回運費。

We pack every single parcel with care and love, and we make very sure that the products leave us intact. Therefore, we suggest not to return or refund products without damage.

Products from RHYME SELECT are mostly handmade, therefore some mark of imperfections might occur as normal state. If the damage occurs during transportation, please contact us as soon as you receive the parcel, and send us a photo with proof. Customised pieces are not allowed to return or refund.

During 7 days after receiving your order, you may write to us to request the refund of items, which you must return to us in unused condition accompanied by the original packaging. Shipping fee is non-refundable. Returns will only be accepted if labels and original packaging are fully intact and in a re-sellable condition. Online Store cannot accept returns where labels have been removed or products opened.

Refunds for returned merchandise will be made within two weeks of the return of the product, to the original purchaser’s credit card. Note that additional duties and/or taxes will not be refunded. All exchanges are subject to availability. Faulty items will be replaced by the same type of product.

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